Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dog Fish Head 'nuf said!

Honestly I had never really tried or thought much about Dog Fish Head brews until I saw the show Brew Masters on Discovery. The show is actually part of what inspired me to start my own home brewing. The show is interesting it does a great job at showcasing all the quirky people in charge of the Dog Fish Head brewery, along with some of the creative process and business aspects that come into operating a micro brew. Also their beer is fantastic!

Tonight I cracked open a bottle of their Palo Santo Marron. It pours really dark for a brown ale and has a super thick creamy head. It smells sweet with a little touch of citrus hops. As good as it smells it tastes even better, sweet with vanilla, caramel, and chocolate. I'm not sure exactly what flavors are in it from the Paraguayan Palo Santo wood barrels that it is aged in but it is delicious! It leaves a taste in your mouth like you just ate some ice cream. It is creamy, finishes smooth with a little bit of alcohol flavor. Scary amount of drinkability because it is 12abv.. be careful with this one, it is incredible!

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