Saturday, October 8, 2011

No excuse!

So, as I sit here finally updating my blog that I appreciate so much I totally realize how much I've neglected it.  It also occurs to me how lame it is to write 2 blogs in a row about how I've neglected my blog so on that note, I really do care about blogging and keeping everyone up to date, but I refuse to make commitments on blog dates.... the end.

That being said I have been really busy on the brewing front.  We've got a trippel finished and bottled and tasting delicious (seriously this is one of my favorites that we've done so far and we have a pumpkin ale that is currently in secondary fermentation until we keg it.... yes I did say keg it!!! I finally had the funds to buy a keg system, needless to say I'm pretty stoked about trying it out.

For anyone who doesn't know being able to keg my beer is going to cut down significantly on the time it takes to go from beer brewing to beer drinking!  Rather than go through all the hassle of bottling and bottle conditioning each batch of beer, as soon as it is done I put it in a keg, force carbonate it, and a couple of hours later drink it!!! Super Cool!!!

So lets take a brief glimpse into the future of home brew bros and brew bros ministry.  The home brew bros are doing great, I've been working 2 jobs for the past few months and brewing in my spare time.  Still hoping to open my own brewery some day and enjoying the in-between time.  I've come to the conclusion that it is definitely cheaper for me to start out by brewing soft drinks (ie root beer) and move on to alcoholic beverages such as beer, so I am making preparations to start brewing and selling some home made root beer in large part to fund the beer brewery that I hope to have in the future.... anyway, that's all for now, hopefully soon there will be some pictures of tours and such. l8r!

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